Anti Dandruff Hair Clinic in Hyderabad

A Tricho Analysis can help to differentiate between the various types of dandruff. It can identify the type of scalp infection and the extent to which it has affected your scalp and the hair roots.

Treatment varies depending on the type of infection or allergen involved. Depending on the severity, oral medications or external applications or both are advised. Treatment may involve shaving off the head for better accessibility and absorption of the medication.

Shikha’s anti-dandruff treatment is an effective solution to remove itchy flakes, dead cells from the scalp and moisturizes the scalp to prevent scalp dryness. Thus, helps you to enjoy healthy hair and dandruff free scalp forever. Contact shikha clinic for best Anti Dandruff Hair Clinic in Hyderabad

Dandruff is a re-occurring concern in almost every 3rd person. And there is no one of solution to treat all of them. The way your concern is unique, so is the treatment plan at shikha clinic.

A through analysis by our in-house Dermatologist helps in identifying the root cause of the concern and we aim at treating it right from the root, so that the problem does not reoccur, unless the given regime is religiously followed. In mild to moderate conditions the flakes may just effect the scalp or result in hair fall. However in severe form, the dandruff might cause acne on the face, neck and shoulders too which will need immediate action.

With factors such as humidity, heat, sweat etc which can aggravate the situation, its wise to start the treatment immediately with an expert advise from our in-house Dermatologist.

Feel embarrassing to scratch your scalp all the time? Most probably you have got dandruffs and these are a common scalp disorder. It’s fairly easy to control and treat dandruff with patience although those pesky white flakes of dry skin can be annoying, especially if you’re wearing dark colors. Primary-care providers or dermatologist at Shikha Clinic are being able to diagnose and offer efficient Dandruff-treatments.